Jiang’an BOT project deep treatment for chemical park sewage treatment plant


In order to speed up the construction of the 50,000 tons/day deep treatment capacity expansion project of the sewage treatment plant in the east area of Jiang’an County Industrial Park and the supporting facilities comprehensive pipeline corridor and constructed wetland water quality purification project, the Jiang’an County People’s Government has made a study and decision to authorize the Sichuan River The An Economic Development Zone Management Committee acts as a business attraction and conducts public investment invitations to the public for the implementation of franchise rights (BOT model) for the 50,000 tons/day deep treatment capacity expansion project and supporting facilities project of the sewage treatment plant in the east area of Jiang’an County Industrial Park.


Newly built sewage treatment plant in the east area of Jiang’an County Industrial Park for deep treatment capacity expansion of 50,000 tons/day and supporting facilities. The project content includes: 1. All contents of the construction drawings such as accident pool, sewage pipe network, and advanced treatment pool, with an estimated investment of 350 million yuan; 2. All contents of the construction drawings of the comprehensive pipe gallery, with an estimated investment of 110 million yuan; 3. Constructed wetland water purification All contents of the project construction drawings are estimated to cost 30 million yuan.


The deep treatment capacity expansion project of the sewage treatment plant in the east area of Jiang’an County Industrial Park, Sichuan is located in Jiang’an County Industrial Park, Yibin City, covering an area of about 60 acres, with a total investment of 490 million yuan, and a designed treatment capacity of 50,000 m³/d. Using the combined process of “regulating tank + high-density sedimentation tank + denitrification deep bed filter + ozone advanced oxidation tank + rotating disk filter + ultraviolet disinfection tank”, the main indicators of treated effluent water quality, COD, ammonia nitrogen, and total phosphorus, comply with the “Sichuan Province” The emission limits for “industrial wastewater treatment plants” in the Minjiang and Tuojiang River Basin Water Pollutant Discharge Standards (DB51/2311-2016) are COD ≤ 40 mg/L, ammonia nitrogen ≤ 2.0 mg/L, and total phosphorus ≤ 0.4 mg/L. The remaining pollutant indicators not listed in Table 1 of DB51/2311-2016 are in accordance with the Class A standard in the “Pollutant Discharge Standard for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants” (GB18918-2002).


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