The 50,000 tons/day deep treatment capacity expansion project of the sewage treatment plant in the east area of Anxian Industrial Park was completed and accepted.

Project introduction

The 50,000 tons/day deep treatment capacity expansion project of the sewage treatment plant in the east area of Jiang’an County Industrial Park is located in Jiang’an County Industrial Park, Yibin City. It covers an area of about 60 acres, has a total investment of 490 million yuan, and a designed treatment capacity of 50,000 m³/d. , using the combined process of “regulating tank + high-density sedimentation tank + denitrification deep bed filter + ozone advanced oxidation tank + rotating disk filter + ultraviolet disinfection tank”. The main indicators of treated effluent water quality, COD, ammonia nitrogen, and total phosphorus, comply with the “Sichuan The “Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant” emission limits in the Provincial Minjiang and Tuojiang River Basin Water Pollutant Discharge Standards (DB51/2311-2016) are COD ≤ 40mg/L, ammonia nitrogen ≤ 2.0mg/L, and total phosphorus ≤ 0.4mg/L , the remaining pollutant indicators not listed in Table 1 of DB51/2311-2016 are in accordance with the Level A standard in the “Pollutant Discharge Standard for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants” (GB18918-2002).

Progress status

On July 26, 2024, Jiangjijiang Water Co., Ltd., the construction unit of this project, organized construction, design, geological survey, supervision and other relevant participating units to expand the deep treatment capacity of the sewage treatment plant in the east area of ​​Jiang’an County Industrial Park by 50,000 tons/day The project was subject to completion acceptance. After on-site inspection and evaluation, the construction quality and usage functions met the design and specification requirements, the quality inspection passed, and the control information was complete and complete. It was unanimously agreed to pass the completion acceptance.

Future impact

As a key project of the central environmental protection inspection, it has been highly valued by party committees, governments and relevant departments at all levels since its construction. During the implementation process, Jijiang Environmental Protection actively allocated resources, overcame difficulties such as tight construction schedules and heavy tasks, and fully guaranteed the project construction period. After the sewage treatment plant in the east area of ​​Jiang’an County Industrial Park is put into operation, it will improve the water environment of Jiang’an Economic Development Zone Industrial Park, consolidate and enhance the effectiveness of water environment management in the Yangtze River Basin, and contribute to improving the human settlements and ecological environment of Yibin City.


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