
Dedicated for best quality innovations



Company establishment  Revenue exceeded 1 milion yuan


The company obtained Class A qualificationin pollution and environment treatment(Wastewater, solid waste, waste gassoil remediation)


Revenue exceeded 10million yuanSuccessfully expano marketsoutside Chongqing


The registered capital of thecompany has increased to 36million yuan, becoming one ofthe first batch enterprises thatworking with PPP model in thesewage treatment market


Registered capital increased to160 million yuan


Obtained the class ll qualificationfor municipal construction generalcontracting,with a revenueexceeding 100 million yuan


Entering a period of rapid development, the registered capital increased to 316 million yuanThe qualification has been upgraded to the first-level qualification of general contracting formunicipal public works construction
At the same time, it has obtained the first-class qualification of professional contracting ofenvironmental protection engineering


Further deepen the sewage segmentation marketEnter the field of industrial wastewater treatment


Revenue exceeded 1 billion yuanSuccessful access to financial institutionsInternal AA+ rating


In the period of comprehensive soft powerconstruction, we will build R&D platforms withuniversities, state-owned enterprises and centralenterprises to accelerate the transformation ofscientific and technological achievements andstrive to exceed 2 billion yuan in revenue


Plans for an A-share lPOInitial public offering before 2026


won the National Science and Technology Award and other weighty honors, and participated inthe formulation of a number of national industry standards.